Exercise - next part

While basic and simple, the widgets we added to our portal are accessing data that exists within our IoT system. You should now have an idea of the capabilities thatThere are many more widgets we could add to our portal to improve the experience for other users. You are encouraged to try and add the other widgets when you have a chance.

In the meantime, we are now going to create a new portal, using our CB Vending Portal as a base. This will display the capability of cloning portals.

  1. Close the browser tab displaying the CB Vending Portal and navigate back to the browser tab displaying the ClearBlade Platform developers console.
  2. In the ClearBlade Platform developers console, click Portals in the side navigation bar if the portal interface is not currently displayed
  3. Click +New to begin creating a new portal
  4. In the create Portal or Plugin dialog, specify the following information:
    • Portal or Plugin : Portal
    • Name: ClonedPortal
    • Type: Clone Existing Portal
    • Portal dropdown: CBVendingPortal
  5. Click Create to create the portal
  6. Select the Read and Update checkboxes to grant read and update permissions to the Authenticated and Maintenance roles
  7. Click Add permissions
    Now that we have cloned a portal and assigned permissions to it let’s log into the cloned portal and take a look at it.
  8. Click the Cloned Portal link

    A new browser tab should open displaying the portal login dialog
  9. In the login dialog, enter [email protected] as the email address and test as the password
  10. Click Login

    Notice that the cloned portal contains the same content as portal we cloned from. This is a powerful capability that will allow you to create portals from existing portals.

    At this point, you can delete the Cloned Portal, if you wish. It is left up to the student to determine how to delete the portal.

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