Widget Parsers

This javascript will be re-evaluated any time the corresponding datasource is updated, and the value you return will be displayed in the widget. You have access to the following:

1. The this keyword which has the following properties-

The purpose of the parsing function is to create the data in a format expected by the widget. Therefore, the body of the parsing function should be solely concerned with creating the data structure expected by the widget.

The last line in a parsing function should return the data to display in the widget (in the format expected by the parser).

2. A variable datasources

3. A variable panes


  • An object containing a reference to the widget and the datasource that triggered the parser


  • An object providing access to any datasource defined within the portal
  • latestData() – A function that can be invoked on each datasource to return the latest data for a datasource


  • An object providing access to any pan within the portal

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