Custom Datasources

Should you need to create a custom datasource, it is a straightforward task involving javascript development. The high level steps involved are as follows:

  1. Create a javascript file (ex. my_datasource.js)
  2. Implement the datasource schema
  3. Specify datasource settings
  4. Implement the datasource model
  5. Host the javascript file on a file server or upload it to github
  6. Link the custom datasource to the portal within the ClearBlade developers console

Custom Datasources Schema

All custom datasources must contain a call to freeboard.loadDatasourcePlugin, passing in the datasource schema.

All custom widgets must contain a call to freeboard.loadWidgetPlugin, passing in the widget schema.


  • A unique reference that will be used locally in the portal


  • The name that appears in the list of available datasources


  • An array of user editable settings
  • See next slide


  • An initialization function that generates an instance of the widget

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